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Monthly Tuition:

Multi child discount on tuition:  


Tuition and Fee Schedule for the 2024-2025 School Year

 - $125 for Electives Only (Fridays)

 - $225 for Full Time --pre-k (1/2 day), Kindergarten, 1st-12th grades

    (Wednesdays and Thursdays)

 - $290 for all 3 days (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

Tuition is due the first Wednesday/Thursday of the month.  

 We are happy to offer a discount on the 2nd and 3rd child for our families with multiple children attending.

                   10% off tuition for the 2nd child          20% off tuition for the 3rd child



Registration Fee-  Nonrefundable

$65 for new students

$50 for returning students 


Supply Fee-(Due June 1st, 2023 and January 16th, 2024) *this is non-refundable once paid*

Supply Fees: includes supplies and curriculum (non refundable):

First semester due June 1, 2024                           Second semester: due January 17, 2025

Full Time- (pre-K-6th- $ 55)                    *7th-12th $75 (dependent on curriculum & classes registered)

3 Day Program- (1st-6th $65)                  *7th-12th $85 (dependent on curriculum & classes registered)

Elective only- $45


Building Use Fund- (Due June 1st, 2024 and January 17th, 2025)

$15/Elective Only Program

$20/Full Time Program

$25/3 Day Program

Wedgwood Academy North prefers checks or cash.

We accept PayPal however any payments via PayPal must add 5% to total payment, to cover processing fee.

L​ate Fee-An automatic late fee of $15 per week day per child will apply for tuition paid more than 2 days late. 

Families, we are a not for profit school and have contractual obligations to our teachers. We strive to keep our school affordable while paying our teachers an hourly wage that is fair. With that in mind, we have the following policies, effective 2024-2025 school year:


        *Tuition is due on the first day of each month that we meet for school. Late fees start the Monday, after the Friday tuition is due. L​ate Fee-The late fee is $15 per week day, per child (starts the Monday after tuition is due). Any checks returned for non sufficient funds will be subject to a $29 fee (the fee our bank charges for returned checks). Fees attached to any form of payment (i.e. PayPal, etc.) must be paid by the parent/guardian. Wedgwood Academy North accepts checks, cash and PayPal. Refunds are not given for tuition paid in full unless family is moving. *The parent acknowledges that timely payment of tuition and of other billable school fees is important to the operating budget of the school.

The parent therefore acknowledges, agrees, and consents to the following:  *Report cards, transcripts, and diplomas may be withheld for any withdrawn student for whom tuition and other school charges are due, until paid in full. Any tuition or fees, more than 2 weeks late will result in the student losing their spot at WAN unless an exception has been made to this policy by the administration.

Once the school year has started, you are contractually obligated to pay for the program your child is registered for, for the remainder of the school year. Any changes to program registration will incur tuition for the remainder of the year at the highest program rate that your child has participated in. (i.e. if you change from 3 days to 2 day-full time or 3 days to elective only, you are still responsible for paying for the 3 day tuition.)

*We require each family to give thirty days notice or pay the following months tuition before withdrawing.*

*Our school does not discriminate based on gender, race or religion*

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